I was in Philadelphia over the weekend. We checked out Love Park and the ledges looked sick. Here's some of the Philly Sound from the Stylistics. Don't forget Memorial Day. Many people have given their lives and others have given their healthy bodies and minds in the service of their country. No thanks is enough to these brave people. Enjoy your freedom and have a great week.
Sorry to be out of touch but we were in Cuba where there essentially is no internet. Mark Gonzales may be the most talented and enthusiastic skater ever. He pushes himself when he doesn't have to and he always seems to have great fun. Here he's ripping vert on a longboard. Inspiring stuff.
We meet Ryan at the Element Skate Camp. That was some time ago. Thanks for your contributions. Lowcard ad drops this week. FS boardslide in the Bay. Have a great one.
The new week is here. Do something nice for someone else! Start your masterpiece! Whatever you do, have a great week. Here's Mark Villero getting it done.
One of the first tapes I ever owned was Licensed to Ill. Adam Yauch created ground breaking music and used his celebrity to promote peace and freedom. He will be missed and remembered.